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Pandolfi on the Landfill Expansion

There is a forum on facebook called "Simi Valley Letters to the Editor" and there are many interesting posts there. Typically there are the supporters of candidates who will say or do anything to support their candidate. A prime example if Louis Pandolfi. He has made false statements to support his associate, Barbra Williamson.

The following response from him is quite interesting. It seems to me that he is admitting that he worked in concert with a sitting City Council Member, Barbra Williamson, to force Waste Management (WM) to pay money to the City of Simi Valley. I really have to wonder if the means in which it was done would rise to the level of extortion. It sure seems like it to me. As you might remember, Huber and Williamson were the ones who were involved in the backroom meetings with WM to work out the terms to get the City to not be against the landfill expansion.

him is quite interesting. It seems to me that he is admitting that he worked in concert with a sitting City Council Member, Barbra Williamson, to force Waste Management (WM) to pay money to the City of Simi Valley. Did Mr. Pandolfi know what was going on in those secret backroom discussions? I really have to wonder if the means in which it was done would rise to the level of extortion. It sure seems like it to me. As you might remember, Huber and Williamson were the ones who were involved in the backroom meetings with WM to work out the terms to get the City to not be against the landfill expansion.

I have no problem with someone being against something, but you should be ethical and honest in your fight against it. You should not be willing to say or do anything in order to try to get your way, but sadly it seems that many involved with this have no ethics and no honor.

Mr. Pandolfi falsely claims I was "pimping for Waste Mgt", the reality was that I was stating the facts as I saw it and I got nothing at all for what I said. It seems quite clear that Mr. Pandolfi was not acting in the same ethical manner, so he feels that it is acceptable to attack me because I was hurting his cause. I really have to wonder what exactly he got out of this. I doubt that he did it just for the fun of it. See the article: Louis J. Pandolfi for other examples of issues with him.

I guess Mr. Pandolfi does not see being ethical, honest and open with the people you represent as a "progressive" idea. Instead he seems to prefer the games and backroom deals to get what he wants. Personally, I would rather be ethical and honest and lose, than to win by being dishonest. The simple fact is that I can win, even if I don't get elected, by getting these issues out in the open. If I was not running, do you think that Mr. Pandolfi would have been so foolish as to say what he did?

Personally, the time for a toast would be if Mr. Pandolfi was sent to prison.



Index for Save Simi Valley

Written: 25-Sep-2012

Updated: 25-Sep-2012

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