Index for Save Simi Valley

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More of the Same

It is amazing that for some reason we just have more of the same when it comes to fast food places. Instead of many different places, we just get duplicates. Could it be because of who owns them and the relationship to the City Council? Or is there something else as to why different places decide to not locate in Simi Valley?

  • 8 locations for Subway
  • 5 locations for McDonalds
  • 4 locations for Del Taco

    If you know of a place which has 4 or more locations in Simi Valley, please let me know so that I can add it.



    Index for Save Simi Valley

    Written: 18-Nov-2012

    Updated: 18-Nov-2012

    If you want to submit your own article, please read the first article and send email

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